Dessert Oats!

As I may have mentioned a time or two, I really wish I loved oatmeal because it’s so damn good for you, but I simply don’t. And I’ve tried it every which way, including savoury, and usually think, yeah, it’s pretty good…but then I never make it again.

Today, I think I’ve figured out the key (to MY liking it anyway):

Make it cold, baby!


I’ve been reading about overnight oats for a couple of years now, but figured cold oatmeal would be even worse than the hot stuff. However, the result is actually good…and tastes like dessert (if you don’t normally eat dessert).

So here’s all you do!

Overnight Oats

Place in a jar in layers….

  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1 TBS. chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1/4 cup sweet cashew cream or cashew or almond yogurt
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango or pineapple


Leave for twelve hours. Add the following….

  • A sprinkle of sliced almonds
  • A sliced banana
  • A sprinkle of ground flaxseed, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds


Don’t add the nuts or seeds (except the chia) until just before you eat it (no one likes soggy nuts!).

Mix it all up and dig in!! Maybe I’m crazy, but it tastes like dessert to me!!


And this little mixture hits SEVEN boxes on Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen!

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And we’re off for a walk on this rain-free, but dark, overcast day. The weather has actually been glorious for the past few days and we encounter at least five very vocal eagles every time we walk down East Road along the water. Yesterday, we managed to get a few shots!


Aaaaand the song of the day is Jenny Lewis’s “Love U Forever” for my Jamie-boy, who made me a wooden ring with two hearts carved into it yesterday for Valentine’s Day <3.


Of course, we were close to fifty when we two old fogeys got together, so the lyrics don’t quite apply, but the chorus certainly does!


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