Heritage Tomatoes…


Donald’s Market–a great little market on the New West Quay–often has amazing specials on ripe produce, and I managed to pick up four pints of an assortment of heritage tomatoes (cherry, grape, sweet one millions, etc.), some nice vine tomatoes, and a big batch of miniature peppers for a few dollars. I was thinking of making something with them, but they’re so ripe and delicious that I doubt they’ll last that long!



I served some yesterday as an appetizer with fresh hummus, and our guests gobbled them up. I still have a plentiful supply, however. My dad took home the hummus though, so I’ll have to make another batch!

Funnily enough, at the end of the summer at the cabin, I was lamenting not trying tomatoes again, but this copious haul of tomatoes has me thinking otherwise. Why would I spend a summer agonizing over my tomato plants, which never produce more than a handful of rather nasty tomatoes, when I can pop into Donald’s?

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