Quinoa Flatbread

The other day, someone posted a recipe for “two-ingredient quinoa bread” on the CFDG Facebook group and I thought I’d give it a try. I wasn’t expecting much, but it turned out to be brilliant–and my new favourite alternative to bread, pita, wraps, etc.

And it really is only two ingredients.

Or it was until I started adding stuff!

The original recipe can be found here. It’s basically one cup of quinoa blended with one cup of water and baked, but I added a couple of things to make it tastier. The result is a nice neutral flatbread suitable for pizza crust or just as a vehicle for getting hummus and tomato/avocado/etc. into your mouth!

So—here’s the method:

Quinoa Flatbread

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 TBS vegetable broth powder (I use this instead of salt)
  • 1/4 cup nutritional yeast

Blend in the Vitamix for a minute or two. You don’t need to rinse the quinoa (if you do, the batter will come out much thinner). The result will be the consistency of a thick pancake batter.

Throw in a handful of…

  • fresh basil
  • fresh oregano
  • fresh rosemary


Pulse a few times so the herbs aren’t completely blended (you don’t want a green batter!).

Pour onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper sprayed with a bit of oil spray…


…and bake for 15 minutes. Turn over and bake for ten more minutes.

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Now you can use it as a pizza crust or slice it up to use as flatbread. You can even toast it.

Avo-toasties on quinoa flatbread with capers, white onion, and a drizzle of sriracha:


Here’s a mini-pizza with a quinoa crust:


I did try grilling it (rather than baking), and the result was fine, but rather floppy, like a thick wrap or pancake, and quite rubbery in texture. The one on the right is baked, the two on the left are grilled:P1070438.jpg

James isn’t 100% crazy about the quinoa flatbread, but I LOVE it. The taste is pretty neutral and it’s a perfect vehicle for those open-faced sandwiches of which I am so fond.

I’m going to try it as a pizza crust for a large pizza this evening to see how it fares. I’ll report back with my results!


Not at ALL bad as a pizza crust!!


Toppings: tomato sauce, onions, olives, mushrooms, red peppers, grape tomatoes, vegan cheese:

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Served with a kale-romaine-tomato Caesar salad–YUM!!!!





8 thoughts on “Quinoa Flatbread

    1. It’s uncooked! You don’t even have to rinse it. I’ve tried it both ways–rinsed and unrinsed–and I like the unrinsed better because the batter is a bit thicker!

      Liked by 1 person

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